Reduce Cellulite with EMS Technology
Got cellulite? You’re not alone. This cosmetic condition affects nearly 90% of women at some point during their lives, even women who are otherwise slender and fit.
Creams and lotions are not always the answer, so in this article we explain what cellulite is and explore how Body20’s brand new EMS driven Cellulite Reduction Programs can help combat the lumps and bumps.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a term for the formation of lumps or dimples in the skin.
Whilst the exact reasons behind what causes cellulite is still largely unknown, research suggests that cellulite is essentially a buildup of fat cells underneath the skin. When the fibrous bands of connective tissue under the skin, responsible for connecting your skin to the muscle, tighten irregularly, the result is the skin being pulled downwards into the subcutaneous layer of fat and the fat cells then protrude, giving the lumpy appearance we are all familiar with.
Why are women more prone to cellulite than men?
Cellulite is perfectly normal. 80-90% of women exhibit cellulite to some degree. The reason it is more prevalent among ladies, largely has to do with gender related differences in fat distribution, hormones (oestrogen) and genetics.
One theory suggests that cellulite is more common in women than in men because in men, the fibres that make up the connective tissue bands attaching the hypodermis to the muscle arrange themselves in a "crisscross" fashion, whereas in ladies these bands all run vertically.
Naturally, women also have a higher body fat content and genetically store the majority of their fat below the waist line, which creates the common cellulite problem areas in the thighs, glutes and lower abdomen.
Does cellulite worsen with age?
Unfortunately, cellulite does tend to get worse as we get older. As the skin gets thinner and loses elasticity, the underlying fat cells become far more visible because the skin acting as the barrier is more prone to distort to the shape of the fat cells which are being pulled into the skin.
How does EMS help?
Before embarking on fad diets and spending thousands on lotions and expensive plastic surgery, the best way to get rid of cellulite is to lose fat in general.
Body20’s vision is to help you activate your potential and develop a holistic, sustainable fitness lifestyle and this incorporates all aspects of your health journey from your inner workings to your outer aesthetic.
Further to all its proven fitness and strength benefits, EMS has some unique benefits in fighting the battle against cellulite. Master Trainer Neil Campher explains;
“Cellulite is indistinguishable from any other fat in your body, it is simply the placement and local blood and lymph circulation disturbance which makes the difference, the latter which leads to oxygen-deprived damage to fat cells and scarring of the connective tissue around them. EMS technology cause the blood and lymphatic circulation to enhance near the stimulated muscle area. Circulation is increased due to the intensive muscle work and through enhanced muscle pump, at which time the localized blood and lymphatic veins contract and release as well. It is through this increased local blood circulation that then facilitates local oxygen supply and therefore causes the skin to become firmer, through smoothing the subcutaneous tissues and removing harmful metabolites, thus helping in the fight against cellulite.
EMS is also believed to break down the weaker subsidiary connective tissue bands that form over time between the skin and the underlying fat cells, thus releasing the resulting tension that pulls the fat cells into the skin. Based on this, the fat cells will spread themselves more naturally over a larger surface area, decreasing the dreaded lumpy appearance of cellulite.”
What sessions are on offer?
Body20 offers two Cellulite Reduction Programs.
The Cellulite Passive Program encompasses elements of Body20’s Relax Sessions, as the client gets to relax for 20 minutes while the stimulation works its magic.
The Cellulite Active Program is a dynamic session involving a cardio workout or engaging in a functional training session whilst the program runs.
Body20 Members are offered The Cellulite Reduction Programs as an enhancement and addition to their current training schedule. Most commonly done in conjunction with a Body20 EMS Strength Session, Members will train twice a week, once on strength and once on the Cellulite Reduction Program.
Body20 Coaches are trained to ensure that your fitness journey is a holistic one and your training programs are tailored to your individual needs.
Click here to book a free demo at your nearest Body20 Studio via to learn more about our FitTrac Programme and the Cellulite Reduction Program and how Body20 can help you to activate your potential.